November 2, 2015

Winter Weather Report: Cold and Snowy!

 As we move closer to winter, home owners need to consider approaches for snow removal.  The Old Farmer’s Almanac suggests that this season, like last season, this winter will be cold and snowy.  Specifically, the Almanac suggests:
  • Super cold temperatures will be especially significant along most of the Atlantic coast and in the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, Southwestern States and the Pacific Northwest.
  • The Pacific Northwest, Northeast, Northern Plains and Ohio Valley should brace for a great deal of snow.
  • “Super cold is coming,” says editor of the Almanac Janice Stillman, “but also the good news is that areas with record-shattering snow last winter—like Boston—won’t have to deal with quite so many flakes.”  Whatever that means!
How does The Old Farmer’s Almanac come up with these predictions, when local weather reports can’t seem to get a good forecast for the next 24-hours?  According to Time Magazine, The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s predictions are based on a top-secret formula, involving a complicated mathematical formula devised by founder Robert B. Thomas in 1792 that takes sun spots, planetary positions and tidal patterns into account.

For those who be wondering about feedback from other sources, the Weather Channel also works to put together a seasonal forecast.   They predict a colder than average winter may be in store for sections of the country, including: the Southwest, Southern Plains, Southeast and East Coast. 

Despite these dire predictions, no one really knows what the actual weather will bring.  What we do know is that if you don’t make the investment in gutter protection, you may regret it.  Fall leaves and debris, covered by snow, are a recipe for home owner disaster.  Make sure you don’t get caught this season!  Plan ahead. 

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