December 8, 2014

Preempting Ice Dams with Roof Gutter Guards

The winter season brings about a lot of environmental changes, the most evident of which is the presence of snow. Snowy weather might be a great way to set the mood for the holidays, but it can do a number on homes ill-equipped for the extreme cold. A home’s roof, in particular, can succumb to destructive ice dams if its gutters are not prepared to deal with the frost.

Ice dams are formed along roofs when trapped water in gutters freezes up; this eventually builds up until the ice formation is large enough to prevent any more water (from melted snow) from trickling down the drainpipes. To the uninitiated, ice dams do not sound particularly dangerous, but to homeowners who know better, the freezing problem can lead to roof leaks and extensive water damage. This is because the frozen part blocks out water from draining out of the roof, backing its flow up toward and underneath roofing tiles and shingles and seeping into the attic.

One way to prevent the formation of ice dams is to ensure that the gutters of your home are clean and free of debris that could clog the drains. It can be awfully tedious, however, to clean your gutters as often as needed. To get around this, you could outfit your gutters with gutter guards which block out debris from entering the gutters while allowing water to seep through.

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  1. I don't appreciate you (Megan) posting a spam comment about gutters on my blog.
    I've deleted your comment and blocked you.
